So, yesterday morning I dropped hubby off at the hangar for his "boat det". I managed to do this with no tears despite the circumstances. Well, no tears that is until the drive back home. Normally this wouldn't be that big of an ordeal. Drop him off, he goes to sea for three weeks, pick him up and bring him home. But this time the chain of command has managed to leave us all in the dark. There have been rumours flying for a few weeks now that they are not going to come back in 3 weeks. As a matter of fact, it has been said that they could be out for as long as 9 months. When seeking answers to these questions we were met with. . well "officially" we will be back in 3 weeks, but "officially" pack a sea bag like you will not be returning. This is ridiculous! Knowing that they are going out for 6-9 months is one thing. You have time to prepare emotionally, financially, get things done around the house, that sort of thing. But to be given a time period of 3 weeks to 9 months. . . come on now!! Being a military wife you learn to cope with being alone much of the time. It isn't easy, and I don't think it ever does get easier, but we deal. But now I am just pissed! If you are going to snatch my husband away on a deployment, fine, I know it is for a reason, but give us a little notice!
I ♥ being a Navy wife. I am very proud of my husband and the things they do. Sometimes the loneliness just gets to me. My family is great though, they call, write, and sometimes even visit! It helps a lot. Also chasing an 18 month old passes the days by pretty quickly!
Speaking of 18 month old. . . the little one is doing great. She amazes me every day. It seems here lately she is learning a new word every single day. She is such a great kid, I couldn't have asked for anything better. We were lucky. I can't believe how big she is now though, it seems like just a few months ago I was bringing her home from the hospital. My only regret with her is that I wish hubby could get to see her grow and develop more. It seems like every time she does something new he is not around, and has to learn about it later. He catches himself treating her like a tiny baby sometimes, and then he has to step back and realize that she isn't so tiny any more. She loves her daddy though! They are inseparable when he is around.
They are finally finished with the renovations on my house. Thank God! All that is left is landscaping. They put the irrigation system in Friday and a tree. now comes the flower beds, and grass. . oh yeah and they have to repave the driveway, but after that they will be FINISHED! Yay, no more strange people in, and around my house all of the time! Very Exciting news!!
Oh yeah. . .

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