On the other hand. . Saturday's forcast 75 with a 70% chance of Severe Thunderstorms. . here we go again.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Tomorrow's Forcast. .. 73 and Mostly Sunny
I'm thinking BEACH DAY!! I am in some serious need of ocean therapy. Looking forward to laying there doing nothing, possibly reading a book, as the waves crash and Maddison builds whatever her imagination creates for her. Sounds lovely. Now, hopefully it is not extremely windy and miserable. . we shall see.
On the other hand. . Saturday's forcast 75 with a 70% chance of Severe Thunderstorms. . here we go again.
Pic of Maddie Lou from Yesterday. . LOL
On the other hand. . Saturday's forcast 75 with a 70% chance of Severe Thunderstorms. . here we go again.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Proud Momma!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
My Monthly Update
I haven't written in a while, so thought I would give it a shot. For some reason I haven't felt like I have had much to write about lately. Well, other than bitchy whiny "my hubby is leaving again" posts, and I know you guys don't want to read that all of the time so I refrain. lol. Anyway, on to the updates.
Well, Brandon is gone again. He is on a boat det.. around a month long, dunno where they are going, somewhere out in the wide blue yonder. He HATES this boat so far. He thought it would be a million times better than the Big E, but he was wrong (well at least so far, things still have time to change). The boat is nicer and the amenities a little better (not that they get a lot of those! lol), but the rules seem to be a lot more stupid, the high ups total assholes, and so on. He says that it will be a long deployment if shit stays the same. I feel bad for him. On a happier note. HE GRADUATED!!!! WOO HOOO!!! He now officially has his associates in Professional Aeronautics (well not physically, he is still waiting on the diploma in the mail . ha ha). But he did it! I am proud of him! He is going to be taking about a year off from taking classes due to the fact that the will be gone so much this spring and then deploy this summer, he doesn't really have a choice. But he will be taking that time to get a huge qualification for the Navy that will help make his evals look really good. Then after that he will hopefully be able to start back to work on his Bachelor's. Getting this finished has made him 100% eligible for the flying warrant officer program. . however the navy has not put out their NAVADMIN for it this year yet, it was supposed to have been out already. . so we are hoping that they didn't decide to cancel the program for some reason. Wouldn't that be our luck? Well, as soon as that comes out he will be able to put his package in and then the waiting starts. But if he doesn't make it, we have plenty more opportunities that can be taken. Also, in about 2 weeks he will be taking his First Class Petty officer exam again. So we will be keeping our fingers crossed again that he makes that. . even though once again it is a long shot. He just hasn't been in the Navy long enough and they are not promoting very many people each cycle. . Last time it was about 13 out of 400 that got advanced. . but we can still hope! ha ha.
Not much new going on with me. . I will not be moving in March like we had planned. Still not sure if I am going to move, but if I do it will be in July. So there is still a lot of time between now and then, I will figure something out. haha.
Maddison of course is growing like a weed. I am so proud of her. She is now recognizing all of her letters, sometimes she has a little trouble with some of them, but she gets them other times. She is also learning her letter sounds. I think she will be reading before she starts school. Who knows? She is a smart one! I am anxious to see how she is going to handle this deployment. She is not doing so well with the det so far, and he hasn't been gone very long! She keeps crying and saying "I want my Daddy". I know it will be hard on her, it will be hard on me as well, but we will find our ways to cope with it.
Well, can't think of much else to talk about.. I just haven't had a lot to say lately. And nothing interesting is going on around here.
Some recent pictures from Charleston & Stuff

Well, Brandon is gone again. He is on a boat det.. around a month long, dunno where they are going, somewhere out in the wide blue yonder. He HATES this boat so far. He thought it would be a million times better than the Big E, but he was wrong (well at least so far, things still have time to change). The boat is nicer and the amenities a little better (not that they get a lot of those! lol), but the rules seem to be a lot more stupid, the high ups total assholes, and so on. He says that it will be a long deployment if shit stays the same. I feel bad for him. On a happier note. HE GRADUATED!!!! WOO HOOO!!! He now officially has his associates in Professional Aeronautics (well not physically, he is still waiting on the diploma in the mail . ha ha). But he did it! I am proud of him! He is going to be taking about a year off from taking classes due to the fact that the will be gone so much this spring and then deploy this summer, he doesn't really have a choice. But he will be taking that time to get a huge qualification for the Navy that will help make his evals look really good. Then after that he will hopefully be able to start back to work on his Bachelor's. Getting this finished has made him 100% eligible for the flying warrant officer program. . however the navy has not put out their NAVADMIN for it this year yet, it was supposed to have been out already. . so we are hoping that they didn't decide to cancel the program for some reason. Wouldn't that be our luck? Well, as soon as that comes out he will be able to put his package in and then the waiting starts. But if he doesn't make it, we have plenty more opportunities that can be taken. Also, in about 2 weeks he will be taking his First Class Petty officer exam again. So we will be keeping our fingers crossed again that he makes that. . even though once again it is a long shot. He just hasn't been in the Navy long enough and they are not promoting very many people each cycle. . Last time it was about 13 out of 400 that got advanced. . but we can still hope! ha ha.
Not much new going on with me. . I will not be moving in March like we had planned. Still not sure if I am going to move, but if I do it will be in July. So there is still a lot of time between now and then, I will figure something out. haha.
Maddison of course is growing like a weed. I am so proud of her. She is now recognizing all of her letters, sometimes she has a little trouble with some of them, but she gets them other times. She is also learning her letter sounds. I think she will be reading before she starts school. Who knows? She is a smart one! I am anxious to see how she is going to handle this deployment. She is not doing so well with the det so far, and he hasn't been gone very long! She keeps crying and saying "I want my Daddy". I know it will be hard on her, it will be hard on me as well, but we will find our ways to cope with it.
Well, can't think of much else to talk about.. I just haven't had a lot to say lately. And nothing interesting is going on around here.
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