Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tomorrow's Forcast. .. 73 and Mostly Sunny

I'm thinking BEACH DAY!! I am in some serious need of ocean therapy. Looking forward to laying there doing nothing, possibly reading a book, as the waves crash and Maddison builds whatever her imagination creates for her. Sounds lovely. Now, hopefully it is not extremely windy and miserable. . we shall see.

On the other hand. . Saturday's forcast 75 with a 70% chance of Severe Thunderstorms. . here we go again.

Pic of Maddie Lou from Yesterday. . LOL


Everyday Mom Designs said...

Geez weather sucks.. yeah, it's 10:31 pm and it's 76 degrees.. tomorrow's high is 61 with AM showers.. Saturday is 57 and windy.. Good times..

Love the pic of Maddison.. She's growing up soo fast!

Amanda said...

Ha, it's currently 45F here and we woke up to snow. I want some beach!