First of all, the move went pretty smoothly, we are pretty much settled in and falling back into a routine. Some things won't be "back to normal" until we get our own place and get our family back together, but we are doing the best we can. Maddison seems to be adjusting very well. I wasn't sure how things were going to go since she is old enough now to "understand" what is going on. But she seems to be doing fine. She is loving having all of her family so close by. It makes me happy to get to see her interacting with everyone. It is really good to be back in Alabama. I have missed it, especially over the past couple of years. I am really enjoying getting to spend time with everyone. Although, I am missing Beaufort pretty badly too. It helps that most of my friends moved before me.. but there are still a few there that I miss. Beaufort was a beautiful and interesting place and I hope to go back and visit many times in the future, but it is time to move on, and I am looking forward to a "break" and hopefully getting to spend a few years back in Alabama.
Which brings me to my next update, Brandon. As most of you know, he is currently deployed. This deployment is pretty hard, being the third in 3 years, but surprisingly we are making it really well. It is helping a lot to be back home, but Brandon and I are at a place where we are very peaceful. We are doing great, probably better than we have ever been. We are extremely happy, although very sad we have to spend this time apart, we know it must be done, and we are both very anxious for shore duty. Maddison is having a lot of trouble grasping this deployment, she is old enough now that she really misses him when he is gone. Almost every day she has a little melt down of "I really miss my daddy". It breaks my heart and some days I just cry with her, but she will be fine, I am sure this time will go by pretty quickly for her. She is coloring him pictures and mailing them, and we are awaiting boxes so that we can get the first care package in the mail. I will keep her busy, and vice-versa.
Brandon has had a lot of ups and downs over the past year. They have had crazy working hours so he has been exhausted, just to tip the iceberg. Many of you were wondering about the Blue Angels package and the Warrant Officer package. . well unfortunately both are a no go. Both were disapproved to submit his final package by his chain of command on the grounds that they could not release him from the command early to go to either program. He was too "needed" for this deployment. He took it very hard at first because he was very excited at the prospects of either program, but he has moved past it now and is worrying about the future and not the past. He did what he needed to do to prepare for both of those programs, but the final verdict was out of his hands. He now is trying for recruiting duty, back home. He is in desperate need of a change of pace. He was at a place where he was ready to throw in the towel and hang up his Naval career because of the enormous amount of pressure with no pay off that he was under. But he feels now that if he can get a change of pace for just a few years that he can hang in there, he really would love to stay in and retire, but at the pace he was going, he knew he wouldn't make it. So we are keeping our fingers crossed right now for recruiting duty. He also with take the Petty Officer First class exam next month for the 2nd time. Lets hope he makes it this time. . if so, he will still be a very young First class. The quota for advancement has just been so low lately it is very difficult for anyone to make it. But I am sure if he does make it I will post a very happy blog about it, lol.
Well, I think that is all I have to update about right now, at least all I can think of. Thanks everyone for all of your support! Love you all bunches!!
Good to see you blogging again.. I know I know all this stuff anyway, but it's good to see you around more.. :)
Yay! You're back! Hang in there Jennifer, I know it's tough for you guys! Miss you bunches!
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