Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My eyes are still crossed.

I tend to think of myself as a fairly intelligent person, not the smartest in the world, but I can hold my own. But web design is kicking my ass. Not even really "web design" I don't think there is any way that I could ever go that in depth. I am simply just trying to make a myspace layout using CSS for the shop's myspace page and use HTML to customize my shop. I have all of the basics down, but the fine tuning is killing me. I have all these great ideas in my head that I just can't seem to get onto the screen. I stared at a computer screen all day yesterday, reading tutorials, looking at examples, trying to find a good code generator so I could cheat (lol). And at 0100 I finally called it quits. I did get the myspace layout finished. . sort of. I still have A LOT to do before I can open it to the public, but it is on the way. The thing that discourages me is that there are a million people out there that make layouts, so why is it so difficult for me? I am sure the more I practice the easier it will become, but right now if I look at another line of html or css code I might go crazy and smash my computer. I don't know how computer programmers and IT guys do that every day. Kudos to them. But today I am taking the day off. No new designs for the store, not changing anything, not working on the myspace. I am going to clean my house, maybe go to the commissary, and play with my little girl since I totally ignored her yesterday. Wish me luck.

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