Most of my down time has been spent working on my Cafepress shop, I have completely redesigned the shop and added lots of new products. I have spent countless hours reading tutorials and trying to figure out the basics of this web design stuff, and I have learned quite a lot. It gets to be mind numbing though. I am finally getting to a place where I am feeling comfortable with the feel of the shop. . there are still a few more tweaks I need to make and the only big thing left is to make a page with a custom order form. A friend of mine said her husband may possibly help me, so that would be wonderful, and a huge time saver. I have also started a myspace site for the shop, and in this site I am offering layouts, graphic snags, icons, and photo edits. This is fun and I enjoy doing it, and it is an alternative to scrapbooking, since I can't seem to even try to do that because I can't keep Maddison out of it for more than 2 seconds. This is serving as my creative outlet right now, and it is very helpful. The main reason I decided to do the myspace site though is to help generate more traffic to my store, and so far it is working.
Okay now about the family. .
We (meaning I) are getting things in place for Maddie Lou's 3rd birthday. Can you believe that she is almost 3? Because I sure can't! Everyday I look at her and think. . geeze is this my baby? We are having a Mermaid Party and she is so excited she can't stand it. She has been asking about it for months now. We have decided to move the party up to Labor Day weekend because everyone just contacted us and said they wanted to come visit that weekend, lol. My sis and bro in law will be here, and my MIL, my mom, stepdad, nanny, and sister are also coming. . and one of my girlfriends from highschool and her boyfriend are coming. I am so super excited! Hopefully most of maddison's friends will be able to come, but I know a lot of them have stuff going on that weekend which is one reason why we were going to have it the next. But this is going to work out best for the family thing. I am just still having to deal with that fact that my baby is turning 3.
My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer a few months ago, he had surgery to have it removed back in May and it was not successful. So they referred him to Vandy and he had his surgery this past monday. They were able to successfully remove it. Which is great great news. Now we are just waiting on the pathology report to determine if it has spread anywhere else, and it will be a little while before we know if he is totally out of the woods. So keep him in your prayers (or whatever you do).
My mom, is about to have a hysterectomy. She has been diagnosed with endometriosis, as well as several fibroids, cysts, and pallops on one of her ovaries. She underwent a DNC last week and is awaiting test results to move forward with the hysterectomy. So keep her in your thoughts and prayers too.
Yeah, my parents are falling apart. lol.
Brandon is doing great, he is home for a while, well at least until the end of November. He is also studying for his advancement exam right now. He will be taking the E-6 exam the first week of September. So wish him luck. If he makes it, he will have made E-6 in less than 5 years, which is a great feat. Because he has been in for only 5 years, that could come back to bite him in the butt though, it could hurt his advancement chances. But we will just wait and see. That pay raise would be really nice! lol. He will be taking a week or so of leave starting this weekend, which will be so nice. I wish we could go back to bama for a few days, but there is no way we can with gas prices what they are, and us having to spend money on this birthday party. But I am looking forward to just getting to have some here time with him. We will spend some days at the beach, and getting little projects done around the house that we keep putting off, and maybe spend a day in Charleston, and a day in Savannah. We just need a change from the daily grind around here.
Well, I guess I am all caught up for now. I will try and keep this thing more up to date from now on!

{Designs by: Married to the Navy Designs Add our myspace by clicking them to get your own}
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