So Friday night was the command Christmas party. It was okay. . nice to get out and go to an "adult" function without kids! There was food, (which was good, but cold) dancing (which at some points was very entertaining. . lol), door prizes (which seemed to be rigged.. of course), awards ceremony (which was mostly BS), and lots of drunken sailors (which was friggin hilarious for the most part).
Brandon's former LPO was drunk off his ass and hitting on me all night. . trying to get me to "go home with him", which is hilarious in itself considering that he lives in the barracks. He is married and his wife lives in a different state, lol. He is not the kind of person that would ever cheat on his wife, so that is what made it all okay and funny. I played along for a while and then it just got annoying. . so we convinced him to go find another chick. We told the photographer to follow him around because we knew he would end up doing something stupid. By the end of the night he had his picture taken with most every woman there and every single one of them was trying to run away in the pic. . lol. . he called one of the female senior cheif's a lezbo to her face. .and almost got punched out by one of our other friends. . fun times!
I walked out the door and forgot my camera. . which sucks. . but the command had hired a photographer to walk around all night. . so if they ever get the pics posted on their website I will share some. There are quite a few hilarious ones that he showed me throughout the night. . (some including my dumb hubby).
The skipper did not hand out promotions or mention them at all. . so we are not sure what is going on with that. .I guess we will just have to wait and see. Hopefully he will do them.
We decided to blow the joint about an hour early because most ppl were heading out anyway to go to after parties.. we had to go pick up the kid from the cdc so we couldn't go anywhere else. We did win a Poinsettia and a game of golf for 2, so that was cool. . but as we were about to leave an officer walked up and just took my poinsettia off the table right in front of me and walked off with it. Brandon had to chase him down and tell him to give it back. . and he didn't want to. I thought I was about to have to go psycho bitch on an O. Luckily he finally relented and gave it back. . dumbass.
All in all the night was good. . it was decorated lovely and held at the newest hotel in town. . everyone had a good time. . even though I am sure some didn't remember it the next day!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Where has the time gone??
I was cleaning out some old pics and stuff from my photo hosting site that I use when I stumbled across 3 videos that I had taken of Maddison when she was 8 and 9 months old! I sat here and bawled like a baby when I watched them. One is of her taking some of her first steps. You can see it HERE. She is so little!! Then one is of her in her little Asian dress that we had just gotten in the mail that day from daddy. He picked it up for her while he was in Korea. See HERE. And the last one is just of her sitting in her highchair eating. Nothing special, but I am so glad I got it on video now. You forget how cute they are when they are doing something as simple as eating. It is not all that cute at the time because you are so tired, busy, etc. . so you just don't really appreciate it as much. See it HERE.
I just thought I would share. I am in amazement to this day that this little girl is actually mine and what an amazing kid she really is. I just cannot believe how fast the years are flying by. You hear it all your life from older people, but it really is true. I blinked and now she is 3.
I just thought I would share. I am in amazement to this day that this little girl is actually mine and what an amazing kid she really is. I just cannot believe how fast the years are flying by. You hear it all your life from older people, but it really is true. I blinked and now she is 3.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Happy Veteran's Day!!

I just wanted to take a quick moment to wish everyone a Happy Veteran's Day and to say Thank You.
Thank you to all of our former, current,and future servicemembers. Thank you for your sacrifices. Thank you for your bravery. Thank you. I am so very honored to be associated with such a wonderful and amazing group of individuals. It has been life changing and eye opening and I am forever grateful. I love you all so very much!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Simply Breathtaking. . .

It starts as Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy, & Goofy decide to take a vacation.

They travel to Africa. (This is the Lion King Scene) Here are a few photos.

After leaving africa they take a trip to the bottom of the sea. (The Little Mermaid) This was Maddison's absolute favorite part! She was literally trembling with excitement as Aerial came out! It was so worth the money for the tickets!!!

Next they went to Hawaii. (Lilo and Stitch)
This was really cute as well!

Next we are off to London to Visit Peter Pan! This was so great! Maddison freaked over Tinker Bell. And they all actually flew!

And for the Final Act everyone came out and did a couple of songs! I highly recommend this show to anyone! I hope that we get a chance to see it again one day. We all 3 thoroughly enjoyed ourselves!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I do Love my Country.
I love this country so much it hurts. I am so blessed to be born into such a wonderful place. A place of freedoms and opportunities. A place of free speech which I am about to exercise. If you don't like my opinion that is fine with me. You are entitled to your own, which is another great thing about this place. So here goes. .
Yesterday Barack Obama was elected the first black president of the United States of America. I think it is so wonderful that America was able to prove that you don't have to be born a millionaire, a white male, or to a political family to become the leader of this great nation. But, I think that we chose the wrong man to break that stereotype. I am disappointed in the American voters. For the ones that went out with an informed decision on their candidate, kudos to you. But for the rest of the millions that did not, I am so very worried for you. I would be gracious and concede victory if I felt like America made this huge decision with an informed mind. But that is not the case. I am devastated. Not because McCain lost, but because this country has gone to shit. When you have interviews proving that people are voting not on issues, but on race, we have a problem.
THIS POST says pretty much exactly how I feel. . so I am not going to retype it.
Anyway, I could go on for days about this. But I am choosing not to. The people I am closest to know how I feel, and 99% of them feel exactly the same way. I just felt like I should share, and say . . IT IS NOT MY FAULT!!!!!
Yesterday Barack Obama was elected the first black president of the United States of America. I think it is so wonderful that America was able to prove that you don't have to be born a millionaire, a white male, or to a political family to become the leader of this great nation. But, I think that we chose the wrong man to break that stereotype. I am disappointed in the American voters. For the ones that went out with an informed decision on their candidate, kudos to you. But for the rest of the millions that did not, I am so very worried for you. I would be gracious and concede victory if I felt like America made this huge decision with an informed mind. But that is not the case. I am devastated. Not because McCain lost, but because this country has gone to shit. When you have interviews proving that people are voting not on issues, but on race, we have a problem.
THIS POST says pretty much exactly how I feel. . so I am not going to retype it.
Anyway, I could go on for days about this. But I am choosing not to. The people I am closest to know how I feel, and 99% of them feel exactly the same way. I just felt like I should share, and say . . IT IS NOT MY FAULT!!!!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Wooo Hoooo!!!!
I found out last night that they are REALLY putting Brandon on days!!! yay! He will start this coming Monday. This will be the first time in like 4 years that he has been on days! It is going to be a huge adjustment for us since it has been so long, but I am up for the challenge. I am really hoping that this will help me get Maddison into a better bedtime routine. Lord knows she needs it! I am just really excited. And I guess if for some reason it doesn't work out that we like it, then he can get switched back, because the higher ups are not happy that he is getting changed anyway. . lol. They don't like working with the guy that he is switching with. Anyway, yay good news for us. I am just going to have to reschedule my days now, which is going to be interesting. It sucks that they waited this long to do it though. Because he will be leaving right after Thanksgiving to go on DET until just a few days before Christmas. And then in January they go out to sea for a while. . and they have a DET scheduled for every month after that until deployment in July. Hopefully he won't have to go on all of them.. but I am not holding my breath. He always has to go. The Navy hates us for some reason. . lol.
I am also biting my fingernails about this election today. I am concerned. I was very confident that Bush would be reelected and he was.. . but I am not feeling so confident this time. There are too many people out there not making very informed decisions and voting on race and not the issues. Well, there is nothing more I can do. I voted. I have campaigned the best I can, now I sit back and wait. Lets hope the country makes the right decision so 4 years from now others are not regretting theirs. But in the mean time I will be glued to the TV this afternoon as polls start closing!! And if you read this and have not.. . . GO VOTE!!!! It doesn't matter what you believe or who you are voting for, just get out there and exercise your right! If you don't. . . don't bitch for the next 4 years!
I am also biting my fingernails about this election today. I am concerned. I was very confident that Bush would be reelected and he was.. . but I am not feeling so confident this time. There are too many people out there not making very informed decisions and voting on race and not the issues. Well, there is nothing more I can do. I voted. I have campaigned the best I can, now I sit back and wait. Lets hope the country makes the right decision so 4 years from now others are not regretting theirs. But in the mean time I will be glued to the TV this afternoon as polls start closing!! And if you read this and have not.. . . GO VOTE!!!! It doesn't matter what you believe or who you are voting for, just get out there and exercise your right! If you don't. . . don't bitch for the next 4 years!

Sunday, November 2, 2008
Say Bye Bye. . .
To the Working white uniform. . lol. Brandon had watch tonight from 1600-2400, which is the last watch of the day. Tonight at midnight they switch over to the winter blue uniforms. Which means that he is officially the last person in the command to wear the summer white. Next year it will be decommissioned. They are getting rid of that uniform, the working blue, and the utilities. These 3 uniforms will be replaced by 2 new ones. The dress whites are also getting a makeover and will look different by 2010. I dunno, being all nostalgic I thought I would post pics of him and Maddie in his whites for the last time ha ha. . yeah I'm a dork.

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