Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I do Love my Country.

I love this country so much it hurts. I am so blessed to be born into such a wonderful place. A place of freedoms and opportunities. A place of free speech which I am about to exercise. If you don't like my opinion that is fine with me. You are entitled to your own, which is another great thing about this place. So here goes. .

Yesterday Barack Obama was elected the first black president of the United States of America. I think it is so wonderful that America was able to prove that you don't have to be born a millionaire, a white male, or to a political family to become the leader of this great nation. But, I think that we chose the wrong man to break that stereotype. I am disappointed in the American voters. For the ones that went out with an informed decision on their candidate, kudos to you. But for the rest of the millions that did not, I am so very worried for you. I would be gracious and concede victory if I felt like America made this huge decision with an informed mind. But that is not the case. I am devastated. Not because McCain lost, but because this country has gone to shit. When you have interviews proving that people are voting not on issues, but on race, we have a problem.

THIS POST says pretty much exactly how I feel. . so I am not going to retype it.

Anyway, I could go on for days about this. But I am choosing not to. The people I am closest to know how I feel, and 99% of them feel exactly the same way. I just felt like I should share, and say . . IT IS NOT MY FAULT!!!!!

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