I found out last night that they are REALLY putting Brandon on days!!! yay! He will start this coming Monday. This will be the first time in like 4 years that he has been on days! It is going to be a huge adjustment for us since it has been so long, but I am up for the challenge. I am really hoping that this will help me get Maddison into a better bedtime routine. Lord knows she needs it! I am just really excited. And I guess if for some reason it doesn't work out that we like it, then he can get switched back, because the higher ups are not happy that he is getting changed anyway. . lol. They don't like working with the guy that he is switching with. Anyway, yay good news for us. I am just going to have to reschedule my days now, which is going to be interesting. It sucks that they waited this long to do it though. Because he will be leaving right after Thanksgiving to go on DET until just a few days before Christmas. And then in January they go out to sea for a while. . and they have a DET scheduled for every month after that until deployment in July. Hopefully he won't have to go on all of them.. but I am not holding my breath. He always has to go. The Navy hates us for some reason. . lol.
I am also biting my fingernails about this election today. I am concerned. I was very confident that Bush would be reelected and he was.. . but I am not feeling so confident this time. There are too many people out there not making very informed decisions and voting on race and not the issues. Well, there is nothing more I can do. I voted. I have campaigned the best I can, now I sit back and wait. Lets hope the country makes the right decision so 4 years from now others are not regretting theirs. But in the mean time I will be glued to the TV this afternoon as polls start closing!! And if you read this and have not.. . .
GO VOTE!!!! It doesn't matter what you believe or who you are voting for, just get out there and exercise your right! If you don't. . . don't bitch for the next 4 years!
great post! Yay, I'm happy for you about Brandon! That should be really nice, and it's good to know that if you guys don't like it, it should be easy to turn back around. :)
Wow, that sucks about their DET schedule.. *sigh* I'm sorry hun..
Oh and yeah, I probably did have your key.. actually wait, I don't think I did.. I think Sandi did.. You didn't want me to have to worry about it... Oh well.. I remember Kevin asking me if I wanted to go to your house instead, and I was like, no! I want to do this now and I'm gonna be soo hot afterwards that I'm gonna wanna walk around in a shirt and panties.. haha... then I remembered that you weren't home.. haha..
haha, love your comment.. and yeah, when a toy won't do it, I do that too! haha.. j/p..
Yeah, I didn't even think about what you said (about everything being educational to a point).. I had read a blog (with lots of comments that agreed with it), about how "educational" toys that sing and teach colors, numbers and the alphabet are cop outs.. That children should be sitting down with their parents learning these things at all times, or they should be outside playing.. That they don't own any of these toys and so on... Their kids aren't allowed to watch tv, no computer time, no video games, etc.. That the kids are either outside or the parents are physically teaching them something... I thought it was crap and impossible.. but that was just my opinion.. so I thought I'd blog.. lol..
But very good point!! I just didn't think into that far, since that wasn't the point these people were trying to make.. I think toys teach kids lots.. and maybe people would call me a bad mother, but I don't see how my child can't have toys, and I be with them teaching them something 24-7 or play with them outside... Oh well.. lol..
I'm so happy for you guys that Brandon is getting switched to days! We miss you guys and hope to make a trip down soon. We have a lot of catching up to do.
Some of us voted for the 17 million working Americans without health insurance, we voted for our fucked up economy, we voted for our environment, we voted because we don't like the way this country was headed, we voted because we think that religion is a personal issue not a legislative one, we voted for the servicemen and woman that we want to see come home, we voted because we were inspired, because we had hope, because we want things to change. Some of us didn't care what color the candidates skins were, or what their names were. We listened to what they said and to what their parties said and we voted with our hopes and our hearts and minds. And this morning, I am proud of my country. I am proud of the vast sea of mixed humanity that looked past the name and the skin and voted for the man.
I am also proud of anyone who voted, because it is our civic duty and McCain is a man of great dignity, great heart, and is a great American. He and the GOP simply are not what I believe America needs at this point.
Am I proud that we made history by electing the first black president? You bet. But electing Sarah Palin as the first woman VP would have been historic, too.
It wasn't about skin color for some of us. It was about hope.
that's fine to link back to me... :) more exposure too! haha.. lol..
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