Monday, November 17, 2008

Where has the time gone??

I was cleaning out some old pics and stuff from my photo hosting site that I use when I stumbled across 3 videos that I had taken of Maddison when she was 8 and 9 months old! I sat here and bawled like a baby when I watched them. One is of her taking some of her first steps. You can see it HERE. She is so little!! Then one is of her in her little Asian dress that we had just gotten in the mail that day from daddy. He picked it up for her while he was in Korea. See HERE. And the last one is just of her sitting in her highchair eating. Nothing special, but I am so glad I got it on video now. You forget how cute they are when they are doing something as simple as eating. It is not all that cute at the time because you are so tired, busy, etc. . so you just don't really appreciate it as much. See it HERE.

I just thought I would share. I am in amazement to this day that this little girl is actually mine and what an amazing kid she really is. I just cannot believe how fast the years are flying by. You hear it all your life from older people, but it really is true. I blinked and now she is 3.


Everyday Mom Designs said...

Aww those videos are precious! I love them! What a great thing to find, especially while not expecting to find them! I can't believe how big she is getting. Next time I talk to you, you'll be telling me you just sent her off on her first date!

Everyday Mom Designs said...

whatever.. and to think i was being nice to you...


Everyday Mom Designs said...

Oh that's cool. Yeah, we needed a new big toy for her. She still likes the other one, but she's kinda outgrowing it.. Need to switch them out, and then reintroduce the old one to her again later or something. Or just keep it in the playroom. I hope she likes it, I'm sure she will. :)