Saturday, January 24, 2009

Even More Aggravating. . .

This weekend is plotting against me. Yeah, I was pissed and stuff last night, but I eventually got over it. The night was wasted. . but after he finished his homework we ate dinner and then played some Wii games for a while before heading to bed. I just told myself "it is fine.. .we still have the whole weekend".

Brandon is on duty this weekend, my Navy wife friends understand how this works. He had watch yesterday (0800-1600) and was told that was the only one he would have this weekend! We were so excited because a watch that great never happens to us. We knew we had the rest of the weekend not worrying about working around a watch.

Anyway, they also have to muster every morning at 0800 when they are on duty. So he gets up this morning to go muster, Maddison was still sleeping, because it is all dark and rainy today, so I decided to go back to sleep as well. When I woke up at *cough* 9:00, Brandon still wasn't back yet, strange. They usually only take about 15 minutes. So I figure he got stuck having to clean something really quick. Then I check my phone to see if he called. . no, but I have a text message. "I am really sorry but I had to take a watch today, they had 2 people on leave that nobody knew about so I have to cover a watch today, either the 0800-1600 or the 1600-2400, I bumped a guy off of the 08-16 so I am currently standing that" "Oh and by the way, I have to stand an extra hour since I didn't find out until an hour after he had already been standing it, Love you".

WTF???? Why does this crap always happen to us? I finally think things are going smoothly and then something happens. So now today is pretty much shot as well. He won't get off watch until 1700 instead of 1600. .by the time he gets home it will pretty much be dinner time again and another day is shot! Not to mention I had told maddison I would make her pancakes this morning, but now I am not going to because I don't want to make pancakes for just me and her, and she is all upset. Geeze. . life. . come on. . cut me a little break. . pleease.

Again, sorry about another whiny post. . I am having a rough weekend.


Everyday Mom Designs said...

I'm so sorry hun. I called you and got no answer. I'll try again in a bit..

Amanda said...

It's your blog, whine if you want to, babe.