Thursday, January 29, 2009

I am bored so I thought I would do it too. .

I got this from Ashley. . everybody's doing it. . LOL

1. Where were you when you first found out you were pregnant?
In the bathroom at my first apartment in Virginia Beach

2. Who was with you?
Ashley Kay was in the bathroom with me. . Brandon was in the living room

3. What was your first reaction?
HOLY SHIT! Then denial, then shock, then acceptance. . lol

4.What was your husband's reaction?
Well, he was playing a video game. .and Ashley and I walked in and I handed him the test. He looked at it and said "that sucks" and went back to playing the game. I almost broke down in tears and Ashley hit him. He said "Holy shit, I thought it was hers (Ashley)!!" lol. . after that he was in denial, then shock, then acceptance. . oh and I took 5 tests. . lol

5. Who was the first person you told?
well, Ashley was in there. . so she saw. . we told Brandon, and then the first person after that was Nanny. lol. I wasn't sure how my mom was going to react and I knew Nanny would be happy. And before I even said anything to her she just out of the blue said "Are you pregnant?" I was like "what??? Why do you think that??" And she said she just had a feeling. . and then I told her I was. She was very excited. . and so was my mom when I finally told her. .lol

6. Were the pregnancies planned?

7. Was everyone happy for you?
I believe everyone was. . if they weren't they didn't say anything to us.

8. What was the sex?

9. What was the nursery theme/colors?
Pink, Green, & Yellow. . butterflies/garden stuff

10. Did anyone throw a shower for you?
Yeah. . Brandon's mom and Aunt and some other family did. . and my mom, aunts, and cousins threw me one as well! It was very nice. :]

11. Did you get any outfits you wouldn't use?
Yeah I got a few. . lol

12. How much weight did you gain?

13. Did you get stretch marks?
yes :[ On the top of my stomach and on my boobs

14. Did you crave anything crazy?
ketchup (which i used to hate).. funnel cake (lol and when Brandon got it I took 2 bites and didn't want it anymore). . chicken McNuggets from Mickey D's (I usually hate that place).. and ICE (I was so anemic), Brandon would go to 7-11 and buy huge bags of it so I could eat it a bag at a time. . lol

15. Who or what got on your nerves the most?
Brandon. And stupid people at work. ERG.

16. Where were you when you went into labor?
In the hospital. . I was induced

17. Did you have any complications?
none during my pregnancy until the last 2 days. Then all hell broke loose. . I had pre-eclampsia so they decided to induce. . then long story short. . the cord was wrapped around her neck twice, they broke my water too soon so I got an infection, she passed meconium, my first epidural dislodged so I had to get another one, I had a 4th degree tear, I ruptured 2 arteries. . hmm. . should I go on. . lol. . the main thing is that after 35 hours of labor we were both okay in the end.

18. Did your water break?
The doctor broke it. . way too soon.

19. Who drove you to the hospital?
Brandon. . mom was in the car too.

20. Did you go early or late?
Induced the day before my due date. . had her the day after my due date.

21. Who was in the room?
Brandon, my mom, and a bunch of dr's and nurses and corpsmen.

22. Did you video tape it?

23. Did you have any pain medication?
Yeah, I had and epidural finally.. then it dislodged because they kept making me roll over to make Maddison move around. . then I got another one. .but by the time it kicked in I might as well have not had it.

24. Did you have a c-section or natural?
natural. . but it should have been a c-section

25. What was your reaction to the birth?
I don't really know.. It wasn't that happy "OMG we just had a baby" thing. . because they took her straight to the table to start working on her because she wasn't doing so well. . I think her first APGAR was a 2. And they were calling in a surgeon to stitch me up because I had torn so badly and ruptured 2 arteries. . so I was bleeding really bad. So it was quite chaotic. After everything finally settled down I passed out. . I was so tired. I had been in labor for 35 hours, I couldn't even focus on what the dr was telling me. I slept for a while and when I woke up and really got to spend time with her it was amazing.

26. How big was the baby?
7lbs 11ozs (it is because I went to 7-11 almost every day when I was preggo.. .lol. . had to get my snacks for work)

27. What was the baby's full name?
Maddison Harlee

28. Did your husband cry?
I think so. . but I wasn't all there. . so I dunno. I know he had to leave because he was so upset. He thought that we were both going to die and it was too much for him to take, so yeah, I am sure he cried.

29. When is the next one coming?
Ha. . who knows. . At least 2 years

30. If you could, would you do it all over again?
Yes, it is totally worth all the mess and pain. I just hope next time things go a lot more smoothly. . or I have a c-section. . lol


Everyday Mom Designs said...

Pregnancy, labor and delivery are such good times! hehe..

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!